The cost of mining, in country levels – 邊度掘BTC最划算?

Mining Margins and Where to Make the Most Money

The image below shows a list of countries and the average cost in USD to mine a single Bitcoin. This study, conducted by Elite Fixtures, was put together using consumption required to mine a Bitcoin averaged from three different mining rigs — the AntMiner S7, the AntMiner S9 and the Avalon 6.

Elite Fixtures的研究是基於使 用3款不同礦機( the AntMiner S7, the AntMiner S9 and the Avalon 6) 去掘1粒BTC. 成本以美元去平均計算.

The study sourced its electricity price data provided by each country’s government and local utility companies, as well as the International Energy Agency, IBTimes reports.

電力成本的計算是基於當地政府及電力供應商, 亦有參考 International Energy Agency, IBTimes的報告去整理.


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